The Multi-Cultural Poetry Reading and Pot Luck Lunch is an annual event occuring each August, usually on the second Saturday from Noon to 4:00 pm. Our general schedual is to gather to get to know each other and renew old acquaintences over a pot luck lunch of a variety of food from different cultural backgrounds. During this time, it is encouraged to look at the provided bi-lingual poetry books (or share your own) and pick a partner for the first half of the read-around.
The first half of the read-around is the Pick-A-Partner reading. Each person who chooses to participate picks (or is picked) by a poet to read one language of a bilingual poem. These poems are usually written in one language and translated into another. Sometimes, the poem flows from one language to the next with context filling in meaning for the not-understood language. Even if a person can read both languages, this reading is for two-person reading.
The second half of the read-around is the reader's choice. Poets read their own poems in the language of their choice, solo, duet or group presentation.
After, we eat again as we clean up and share the left-overs to take home. Someone who brought cheese and bread might go home with Viet Namese sticky rice. The one who brought the sticky rice might go home with enchiladas, etc.
We also have suprizes sometimes. We have had lion dance rehearsal during lunch. We have had cultural dance performance as a dress rehearsal for the Dancing Poetry Festival. In 2013, we plan to have a portable artisitc labyrinth for poets' use during the begining of the event.
The Multi-Cultual Poetry Reading and Pot Luck Lunch is produced by Poets of the Vineyard Chaper of California Federation of Chaparral Poets, and sponsored by Artists Embassy International and the Redwood Empire Chinese Association who donates their facilities for our use. We always look forward to a strong representation from Alameda Island Poets Chapter of California Federation of Chaparral Poets. May other guests usually come, including local poets laureate and people visiting or newly arrived from other countries.
English is our universal language. All other languages are also welcome.