2nd Half
Presentation of Artists Embassy International Golden Seal Book Awards and AEI Artistic Merit Awards
Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California, Edited by Lucille Lang Day and Ruth Nolan
San Francisco Peace and Hope, Edited by Elizabeth Hack
The Book of Joel, compiled by Don Peery
Modern Muses by Tanya Joyce
Land of My Father’s War by Phyllis Meshulam
Poetry Masquerade by Alisha Rodrigues
A Field Guide To Sleep, Lullabies for Adults - musical CD is by Art Lande and Jon Scoville (Unable to attend)
Tandy Beal, Awarded for her inclusive community dance works that encourage families to discover the arts (Unable to attend)
Usha Shukla creates paintings of intense colors depicting the constant movement in nature
Pat Doyne is a poet and visual artist
GRAND PRIZE, Lost Gloves by Linda Eve Diamond, Port Orange, FL; read at podium by Judy Hardin Cheung, performance reading by Natica Angilly, performed by Poetic Dance Theater Company: Wanda Ingmire, Kismet,Alyza Lee Salomon, Takako Miyashita, Cindy Levinson, Ronda Hollie, Shantee Baker, Loywanner Haddadou.
Music: A Cowgirl's Lullabye and Rounded With A Sleep by Art Lande & Jon Scoville
Awards for 2019 High School Poet Laureates of Alameda, CA: Josie Whittock and Carbon Nebeker: Teacher, Cathy Dana, Alameda Learning Center
Prize Winning Poets
Cathy Dana, Alameda, CA; If the Moon Could Write
Ruth Wildes Schuler, Novato, CA; The Captain's Verses
Barbara Wilson, San Rafael, CA; Behind the Veils, read by her sister, Ruth Wildes Schuler
Grand Prize Dance: Tapestry by Jennifer Lemming, Bismarck, ND, read at podium by Alisha Rodrigues,
performance reading by Natica Angilly, performed by Poetic Dance Theater Company: Wanda Ingmire, Kismet,
Alyza Lee Salomon, Shantee Baker, Takako Miyashita,
Prize Winning Poets
Barbara Quick, Cotati, CA; Crow's Feet
John Rowe, Albany, CA; Path to Inspiration
Dave Holt, Concord, CA; Waterworks
Inspiration: poem by Virgilio A. Yuzon; Ikebana creation performed by Takako Miyashita, assisted by Alyza Lee Salomon and Wanda Ingmire
Prize Winning Poets
Louise Moises, Richmond, CA; A Lizard's Trek
Jan Dederick, El Cerrito, CA; The Maypole Dance
Kathleen McClung, San Francisco, CA; Glosa for Those Who Pretend
For Marilyn R.: poem “Soar” by Patricia Ann Mayorga, performed by New Dance Company with Lisa Rie,
Music by Tony Kiser, playing native American flute, a gong, and a whistle.
Prize Winning Poets
Deborah Bachels Schmidt, El Sobrante, CA; Casals Plays the Cello
Kari Wergeland, Davis, CA; Solo
Eileen Malone, Broadmoor Village, CA; Glassblower
Rosalind L. Braga, Castro Valley, CA; The Ice Buddhas of Glacier Bay (read by Kay Renz)
Connections: written and read by Natica Angilly, performed by The Poetic Dance Theater Company: Ronda Hollie, Takako Miyashita, Wanda Ingmire, Alyza Lee Salomon, Shantee Baker, Kismet. Costumes by Alisha Rodrigues.
Farewell until next year
Thank you for coming, participating and supporting our Festival.
We hope to see you again next year.
Videographers Arthur Levinson (front) and Glenda Barbera (back) |
Judy Hardin Cheung assistant MC, audience contact person, DPF Contest Chair, AEI VP, editor, webmaster, photographer, poet |
Akira of Japan, designer and creator of the tuxedos for our MC, Raoul Epling |
Our audience is comfortable in their red plush chairs while listening to announcements for intermission |
Backstage, everyone works double-time during intermission |
AEI Literary and Arts Awardees met and chatted backstage during intermission |
Newly published by Amazon, two days prior to the Festival, Alisha, Richard and Natica announce Natica's new book, The Art of Awe IV: Words Dance the Universe |
The AEI International Golden Seal Book Award was given for "Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California", edited by Lucille Lang Day and Ruth Nolan. The award was accepted for them by Barbara Quick. |
Elizabeth Hack receives her Gold Seal Literary Award for "San Francisco Peace and Hope" which she edits. |
Don Peery, 5th poet laureate of Benicia, receives the AEI Golden Seal Book Award for compiling "The Book of Joel," a collection of poems by Joel Fallon, 1st Poet Laureate of Benicia. |
Tanya Joyce (Center) says thank you for her AEI Gold Seal Literary Arts Award honoring her book of poetry and art, "Modern Muses." |
Phyllis Meshalum receives the AEI Golden Seal Book Award for her "Land of My Father's War" |
Alisha Rodrigues received an Artistic Merit Award for "Poetry Masquerade," a book of famous poems illustrated by photographs of original masks by Alisha |
Usha Shukla receives an AEI Artistic Merit Award for her paintings |
Natica Angilly announces Patricia Doyne as a recipient of the AEI Artistic Merit Award for her community involvement with poetry and visual arts. |
Artists Embassy International Awards recipients receive applause |
Grand Prize Winning Poem, "Lost Gloves," was read at the podium by Judy Hardin Cheung. Poet Linda Eve Diamond, Port Orange, FL, was unable to attend. |
Natica and Richard Angilly's Poetic Dance Theater Company presents "Lost Gloves" by Linda Eve Diamond, Port Orange, FL. |
Kismet and Takako Miyashita muse about their lost gloves |
Shantee Baker modernizes as she removes an old fashioned, beautiful glove. |
Loywanner Haddadou sashays through theater and supermarkets in her pajamas, no formal gloves for her |
Alameda Poet Laureate and teacher, Cathy Dana, presents two of her students to receive High School Poet Laureate honors |
Josie Whittock receives a laurel crown |
Carbon Nebeker receives a laureate crown |
Josie Whittock and Carbon Nebeker, High School Poet Laureates, 2019, Alameda Learning Center |
Cathy Dana, Alameda, CA, reads her poem, "If the Moon Could Write" |
Ruth Wildes Schuler read her "The Captain's Verses," then read "Behind the Veils," a prize winning poem by her sister, Barbara Wildes Wilson, who was too ill to attend |
Jennifer Lemming, Bismarck, ND, could not attend, so her Grand Prize Winning Poem, "Tapestry" was read before the dance by Alisha Rodrigues |
"Tapestry" by Jennifer Lemming, Bismarck, ND, as presented by the Natica and Richard Angilly Poetic Dance Theater Company |
Natica Angilly read for the performance which began with Shantee Baker and Wanda Inmire |
Dancers weave in and out of each other as if creating a tapestry |
Barbara Quick, Cotati,CA, read her poem, "Crow's Feet" |
John Rowe, El Cerrito, CA, read his "Path to Inspiration" |
Dave Holt, Concord, CA, read "Waterworks" |
Ikebana dance choreographed by Takako Miyashita, prominent East Bay Ikebana professional. An Ikebana flower arrangement was created as she danced. |
Takako's hat became part of the vase, then more structure was added |
Performance was danced by Takako Miyashita, Wanda Ingmire and Lee Salomon, poem read by Natica Angilly |
This performance was danced to the poem, "Inspiration," written by Virgilio Yuzon, Manila, Philippines |
Dance and poem concluded, a beautiful Japanese flower arrangement graced the stage |
Louise Moises, Richmond, CA, read "A Lizard's Trek |
Jan Dederick, El Cerrito, CA, read "The Maypole Dance |
Kathleen McClung, San Francisco CA read "Glosa for Those Who Pretend" |
"Soar," written and read by Patricia Ann Mayorga, was performed by Lisa Rie with the New Dance Company. This performance was dedicated to Lisa Rie's mother in Albuquerque |
Music was provided by Tony Kiser playing a native American flute, gong and whistle |
The New Dance Company has performed at the Dancing Poetry Festival for many years |
Deborah Bachels Schmidt, El Sobrante, CA, read "Casals Plays the Cello" |
Kari Wergeland, Davis, CA, read "Solo" |
Eileen Malone, Broadmoor Village, CA, read her "Glassblower" |
Rosalind L. Braga, Castro Valley, CA, could not attend, so her prize winning poem, "The Ice Buddhas of Glacier Bay," was read by Kay Renz |
"Connections" written by Natica Angilly, read by Natica and Richard Angilly, performed by the Poetic Dance Theater Company |
Going forward or backward, whether near or far, we are all connected |
This year's final performance bow |
Everyone loved 7 year old assistant Frances |
The Mighty Pens, poetry class from Alameda Learning Center, offered two high school poet laureates and much invaluable assistance in many capacities throughout the program |
Poet and dancer friends have many photo ops after the show |
Lots of smiles on stage after the performance |