For the official winners list, please double click on the tab "DPF 2009 Winners and Festiv
16th Annual Dancing Poetry Festival, 2009 September 26. 2009, Noon to 4:00 p.m. At the California Palace of the Legion of Honor’s Florence Gould Theater In Lincoln Park, San Francisco, California Produced by Artists Embassy International Hosted by Natica Angilly’s Poetic Dance Theater Company
The dancing poetry Festival is created by Natica Angilly to promote poetry and dance as a unified art form. Each year, poets and dancers join together to present a glorious exhibition of creativity “from the page to the stage.”
The festival is steered by the Dancing Poetry Contest. Poets from around the world submit poems to be selected for the Festival. Three are chosen as Grand Prizes and are danced on stage. Forty or more additional poems are chosen as first, second and third prize poems to be read at the podium if the poet is present or sends a representative. During the year, dance troupes submit dance proposals, including text to their poem. Ten or more are then selected to offer a dazzling and internationally varied afternoon of excitement and entertainment.
This year’s contest received 476 poems from 166 poets living in 28 states and 7 additional countries. For the winners list, please click on the tab 2009 Winners & Festival.
Photos by Judy Hardin Cheung Videographer for Grand Prize Winners and AEI archives by Arthur Levinson
The Master of Ceremonies for our entire show was
the ever changing, always dazzling, sincerely amazing
Raoul Epling
assisted by the multitalented Judy Hardin Cheung
Raoul chats with prize winning poet Elsie Feliz |
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Judy Hardin Cheung assisted Raoul in officiating during the festival (photo by Ann Schleeter) |
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Natica Angilly's Poetic Dance Theater Company opens with Poets of the Call Poem written and read by Richard Angilly
Ronda Hollie of Natic Angilly's Poetic Dance Theater Company heralds in the afternoon festivities with a clarion trumpet fanfare |
Mimi Janislowski's Way of the Dance Bharata Natyam Dance Poem by Kabir, read by Jacob Picheny
Way of the Dance pefromed spectacular Hindu Bharata Natyam Dance as they have since 1972 |
Andrea Sendec was breathtaking in "Way of the Dance" |
Perfection in form and beauty was offered by Rosalyn Salters of Way of the Dance |
Dancers of the Pharoahs Artistic Director, Shukriya (Shirley) DeVine is also artistic director of Rakkasah Middle Eastern Dance Festival and Bazaar Poem, Come Come Along written and read by Richard Angilly
Richard Angilly reads the poem for the Dancers of the Pharoahs "Come Come Along" written by Richard Angilly |
Amala, Vera Reardon, dances sublimely |
Natica Angilly, twirls in the midst of floating veil fans |
Tuju Taksu
Our sincerest apologies to Tuju Taksu with their performance of Poems of Love & Awakening for which there are no photos at this time due to a camara malfunction.
Claire J. Baker gives a tribute to Berkeley Poet Martha Bosworth for her creation of the Sliding Five poetry form
Claire J. Baker, poet from Pinole, CA, described Martha Bosworth's "Sliding Five" poetry form. She then read a sample of Martha's and of her own. Martha Bosworth could not attend due to illness. |
Solaris A Suite of Allegories Written, read, directed, composed and choreographed by Dr. Beth Mehocic, UNLV
Dr. Beth Mehocic of UNLV gives a solo jazz percussion accompaniment to "A Suite of Allegories" series of poems which she wrote |
A new twist on the spider and the fly |
Then there were those pesty ants who didn't like one of their own, so they killed her |
Allegory generally has a kick |
If you don't pay attention, allegory can knock you down flat |
First act Prize Winning Poets
Apologies to Marie Ross, Stockton, CA, with her Pink Toed Shoes there are no photos due to a camara malfunction
Susan Morgan Black, Oakland, CA, read her prize winning "Drualus--Mistletoe" |
Don Feliz, Sacreamento, CA, reads his prize winning poem "Haircuts With My Father" |
Elsie Whitlow Feliz reads her prize winning poem, "Gallivanting With My Aunts |
Steve Persell read The Beauty of Motion for prize winner Ada Evasdaughter, Raleigh, North Carolina |
Grand Prize Winning Poem Eve Dreaming by Nancy Rakoczy, Flushing, New York Read during the dance by Natica Angilly for text of the poem and additional photos, click on the tab Eve Dreaming
"I see Eve dreaming/ on a moonless night/ caressed and held by a tree that tangles dreams and green/ thoughts..." |
"...A curved green stalk grows from her heart, as she lies dreaming..." |
Nancy Rakoczy, Flushing, NY, takes a bow on stage with the dancers |
United Poets Laureate International presents Laurel crowns the members of Natica Angilly's Poetic Dance Theater Company who have travelled internationally with UPLI promoting brotherhood and understanding Presenting the awards is UPLI President Benjamin R. Yuzon
for more photos, click on tab "crowning ceremony"
Arthur Levinson and Dean Foss offer chalices of light for the ceramonious "Dance of the Chalices" which opened the awards ceremony |
"Dance of the Chalices" toasts the world with light, performed by Natica Angilly's Poetic Dance Theater Comany with poem written and read by Richard Angilly |
President of UPLI Benjamin R. Yuzon gave a few words about the contributions of Natica Angilly's Poetic Dance Theater Company towards world brotherhood and understanding before presenting the crowns. |
Each of ten members of NAPDTC's extended touring troupe received gold crown a Muse/Ambassadores of Dancing Poetry and Poetic Dancers of the World |
Redwood Empire Chinese Association Teen Cultural Dancers
"Happiness Road" by Yuen Chiu, translated by Nancy Wang and Judy Hardin Cheung read by Nancy Wang and Joe Wang in English performed by David Chung in Chinese Choreographer and instructor Xiaou Qing Sullivan assisted by Judy Elliott and Nancy Wang
Joe Wang and Nancy Wang read the poem in English |
"Ah! It looks like giant dragons coming over the mountain, one after another" |
"Amazing Happiness Road brings you to our skies" |
"Our good life can now spread to the world" |
Gypsy Krackers with Ann Bailey and Lisa Rie Delta Watershed Series--Earth
Gypsy Krackers emotionally dance the vertues of an onion harvest |
We should leap for joy because of the produce of the Delta's earth |
Planting to harvest to replanting the onion, from the earth, has much to offer the Delta Community and the world |
Grand Prize Winner, Silver Sandals By Gretchen Fletcher, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
For text of poem and more photos, click on tab "Silver Sandals"
"I could sashay to a chivaree,/ my heels casting up sparks" |
I could fly in these, too--/I bet--or do other silly things;" |
"Magic shoes, these/silly silver sandals" |
Tatseena reads while her dancers dance |
Umbrellas and shadows offer intreguing visual effects |
Up, down, all around |
Second Act Poets
Again, apologies for no photos of Barbara Jaekel, Lincoln, CA, with Ki Ho'Alu Judy Hardin Cheung reading for Zanneta Kalyva-Papaloannou, Hilioupolis, Athens, Greece with The Mountain is Cloudy Laverne Frith, Sacramento CA, with Cloud Rhythms,Lenticular Ruth Wildes Schuler, Novato, CA, with The Perfect Storm
Carol Frith, Sacramento, CA, with "New Mexico Rains" |
John Rowe, Albany, CA, "This Spring (a pantoum)" |
Tanya Joyce, Emeryville, CA, "The Awning at Priya" |
Jabez Churchill, Ukiah, CA, with "Marchito/Faded" |
Grand Prize Winner Jeanne Wagner, Kensington, CA Dance of the Seven Veils
Read during the dance by Natica Angilly for text of the poem and more photos, click on tab "Dance of the Seven Veils"
"Behind the torch lights, upturned faces tilt/and leer like sallow lilies in the dark." |
"I shed one veil for each two years I've lived. / You show one thing, another is concealed." |
"One veil hides my mouth but not my eyes./ I watch the platters where the fish heads stare" |
Goddess 2U Wild Geese poem by Mary Oliver, read by the dancers
Goddess 2U gave a dynamic performance |
With each dancer delivering part of the poem during the dance, the concept of poetry and dance as a unified art form reached to new heights |
They performed to an authentic, live Middle Eastern band |
Natica Angilly's Poetic Dance Theater Company Welcome to Wonderland Poem written and read by Richard Angilly
"Circus" The signature finale af Natica Angilly's Poetic Dance Theater Company |
Comic and serious is all included in the Circus of Life |
"Lee Solamon..." Each performer ofl NAPDTC receives an intro and bow during "Circus" |
Nancy Merritt takes her bow, announced by poet Richard Angilly, author of "Circus" |