Inside Your Body
by Lisa Rafel, Oakland, CA
Inside Your body is a space
Where Grace resides
Where wisdom lies
Where fear dissolves
And anger calms
Where love abides
And hurt resolves
Inside your body is a templeWhere life exists
To be a gift
Where you can dream
And sit and ponder
Meet awareness
Feel the wonder
Inside Your body is your breath
To carry time
To teach you rest
To wake your heart
And bring release
To lift your spirit like a breeze
Inside your body is great peace
Where ideas flowWhere softness growsWhere in the vastness kindness speaks
It's where your soul
Feels holy whole
Inside your body lies the truth
It talks to you
Asks you to choose
What do you want?
How will life be?
Inside your body
Is the key.
Inside Your Body by Lisa Rafel, Oakland, CA
as performed by the Poetic Dance Theater Company
Dancing Poetry Festival, 2022
Please view this performance at
Videographer Arthur Levinson, AlphaSpectrum Studios