by Daniel Ari, Richmond, CA
Something starts with a dust-rag sweep--
sprig of melody, triplet leap,
a playful passing moment stole,
tit-for-tat with a bass viol--
awakes the impulse from its sleep:
jazz rhythm.
Something starts with an errant note
that pricks the ears and whets the throat
and lures a minute from the grind
reminds the mind: be kind, unwind.
The swinging, building air afloat
has rhythm.
Something starts with a twirl and bounce,
a midair flip trombones announce,
a triple donkey kick times two--
we took out spin--now you and you!
We'll jump until the final ounce--
sing rhythm.
Something starts when you have to clap
compulsion of your toes that tap.
You might not dance, but you can dig
this crazy thing--it could be big--
let's get it on the movie map--
swing rhythm.
Something starts with the camera roll:
specialty number--bless my soul--
springing out from a framing tale
that's set to let the trumpets wail--
all comes together as one whole
thing: rhythm.