The Beauty Road
by Cynthia West, Santa Fe, NM
Grand Prize Winner Dancing Poetry Contest, 2021
The earth is a house of paintings
waiting for you to translate them
onto canvas, paper, stones.
Walking the beauty road for years,
you've caught the visions
before they could fly,
held them in the fingers of your heart,
touched and been touched in return.
Leaving a trail of images for people
to discover, you've reached land's end
at the shore of the sea. The journey
has taken so long, it is night. Along the way,
you'd left most of what you'd brought, shoes,
clothes, beliefs, easel, brushes, colors.
A great moon rises over the horizon
casting a silver ladder all the way
to your feet. You're the new road stretching
past the visible. Stepping on the shining bridge,
you walk in the house of waters,
placing each step on a luminous track.